
Evelien Geerts
@Evelien Geerts 2018

Introductory bio:

Dr. Evelien Geerts (she/they) is an interdisciplinary philosopher (Ph.D. University of California, Santa Cruz, USA) with a passion for political, feminist & environmental philosophy, critical theory, and critical pedagogies.

A Research Fellow (part of the ERC-funded Urban Terrorism in Europe (2004-19): Remembering, Imagining, and Anticipating Violence project, University of Birmingham, UK; affiliated starting from June 2023), a Posthumanities Hub & Eco- and Bioart Lab Affiliated Researcher (Linköping University, SE), and Posthumanism Research Institute (Brock University, CA) Associate, Geerts examines political philosophical questions of identity, difference, violence, and democracy; environmental philosophical questions surrounding the (post-)Anthropocene and contemporary times of crisis; and critical and diffractive pedagogies – and that all through critical posthumanist, new materialist, and Deleuzoguattarian perspectives. Their work has been published in CounterText, Philosophy Today, Women’s Studies International Forum, Rhizomes: Cultural Studies in Emerging Knowledge, amongst others, and two monograph projects are currently in development: a project that investigates the implications of reconceptualizing violence as a complex agential realist phenomenon (including a detailed glossary of agential realism) and one combining political philosophy, the Environmental Posthumanities, and (digital) cultural studies that examines the micropolitical power of alt-right memes.

In addition to possessing plenty of project managerial expertise (organizer of summer schools, such as the Kif Kif Gender & Superdiversity summer school; expert seminars; workshops; …) and editorial skills (editorial board member & editor of Humanities & Social Sciences Communications; former editorial board member & editor of Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies (2015-2020); (co-)editor of several special journal issues of Somatechnics, Journal of Digital Social Research, Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies, and Matter; …), Geerts is also committed to critical pedagogies-based teaching and the much-needed praxis of public philosophy.

For more information, download Geerts’ academic curriculum (short version, October 2023)) or check out their Linktree page.

Short bio:

Evelien Geerts (Ph.D.) is an interdisciplinary philosopher, a Research Fellow at the University of Birmingham (affiliated starting from June 2023), and an affiliated researcher of the Posthumanities Hub & the Eco- and Bioart Lab (both at Linköping University) and an Associate of the Posthumanism Research Institute (Brock University). Geerts’ research interests include critical posthumanist, new materialist, and Deleuzoguattarian approaches, the (post-)Anthropocene, political philosophical questions of identity, difference, violence, and justice, and critical and diffractive pedagogies. They previously have published in CounterText, Philosophy Today, Women’s Studies International Forum, and Rhizomes: Cultural Studies in Emerging Knowledge and recently co-edited special issues on “Dis/Abling Gender” (Journal of Gender Studies 2022), and “Gender, Sexuality, and Embodiment in Digital Spheres” (Journal of Digital Social Research 2022)—publications that can be found at www.eveliengeerts.com and via Linktree.

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